Liked the fact there was some blatant semiology within this pic. The are obvious indexical values as the camera I was using recorded the light reflected off what was in its field of view. The triangular sign in the foreground retains symbolic value as it conveys through convention what it represents. It also retains iconic value as does the Banksyesque stencil in the background as it shares qualitative characteristics with the objects they represent.
This reminds me of how Stieglitz described his photo 'Steerage'.
The construction of it through the use of shapes works really well. The triangular sign and the lines created by the pavement all point towards the circular archways in the background, whilst the nearest bridge narrows your vision even more due to it's overbearing presence over the canal.
The digging man in the sign is echoed by the stencil on the wall, it's as if there's life....without life being there (if you get what I mean).
I like it a lot, maybe you could look at finding more scenes like this?
Fantastic has everything even the birds stayed around to get in on the picture. This could be a classic.
The barge, a symbolic advertising photograph for Nottingham.
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